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Studying for the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®? We’ve got you covered.
We created the web-based CGFNS Self-Assessment tool to help you prepare for the CGFNS Qualifying Exam® using REAL questions from previous exams. You can even customize it to reflect your learning style: Practice taking the exam under the same conditions as the Qualifying Exam or work at your own pace! Read on for details.

Choose a Self-Assessment form
There are two forms of the Self-Assessment available for US$50 each.
- Both forms were created using the same format as the CGFNS Qualifying Exam® and include 150 questions, all of which have appeared on a previous form of the actual CGFNS Qualifying Exam®.
- Take the Self-Assessment as many times as you would like – just purchase another order for the format you would like to retake!
Choose a timing option
Standard-Paced: Practice under the same conditions as the real thing.
- The delivery and timing are the same as the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®. You are permitted 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete the Self-Assessment and cannot return to an answered or skipped question. The performance feedback you receive may be more meaningful if you opt for the standard pacing.
Self-Paced: Take the assessment at your own pace, even in multiple sittings!
- Taking the Self-Assessment using self-paced timing permits you to learn more about the content, item formats and examination interface prior to taking the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®. You will still get performance feedback, even if you didn’t mimic the same timing as the Qualifying Exam.
Get instant feedback
You will receive a test completion notice with your performance feedback immediately after completing either form of the Self-Assessment. This is true for both standard AND self-paced Self-Assessments.
The feedback includes the percentage of items you answered correctly for the whole assessment and in each of the main topic areas.
How do you measure your competency against actual CGFNS Qualifying Exam® takers?
Performance interpretation guidelines for both forms of the Self-Assessment are available below so you can compare your performance to the performance of actual applicants who encountered the same test questions on an actual CGFNS Qualifying Exam®.
CGFNS will not provide answers to individual test questions or rationales.
Performance Interpretation Guidelines
Normative information is provided for percent correct scores based on the performance of two different groups of examinees who took these same questions on the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®. The first column contains the percentage of items on the assessment for each of the topic areas. The next two columns provide performance information based on all examinees who took these same questions on the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®. The final two columns provide performance information for all passing examinees who took these same questions on the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®.
These norms are provided to help you to identify your relative strengths and weaknesses to assist you as you prepare for the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®. CGFNS does not guarantee that any individual performance on the Self-Assessment will predict performance on the Qualifying Exam and cautions applicants against making any predictive inferences from their Self-Assessment results.
Normative information is provided for percent correct scores based on the performance of two different groups of examinees who took these same questions on the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®. The first column contains the percentage of items on the assessment for each of the topic areas. The next two columns provide performance information based on all examinees who took these same questions on the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®. The final two columns provide performance information for all passing examinees who took these same questions on the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®.
These norms are provided to help you to identify your relative strengths and weaknesses to assist you as you prepare for the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®. CGFNS does not guarantee that any individual performance on the Self-Assessment will predict performance on the Qualifying Exam and cautions applicants against making any predictive inferences from their Self-Assessment results.
How to purchase the Self-Assessment
- Go to the CGFNS registration page in Webassessor.
- Log in to your account.
- Select Register for an Exam.
- Select the “Self-Assessment” catalog.
- Select the form that you wish to purchase.
- Select Buy Now.
- Enter credit card information.
- Select confirm.
- Your registration confirmation information will be sent to your email.
*There is no limit to the number of times you may purchase a form of the Self-Assessment through your account. Once you complete an assessment, you must submit another order if you wish to take that same form of the assessment again.
How to take the Self-Assessment
Launching the Assessment
- Log into your Webassessor account.
- Select My Assessments.
- Click Launch.
Taking a standard-paced assessment
- As with the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®, a standard-paced examination administration is in forward-only delivery format. Once you answer or skip a question, you cannot return to that question.
- You have two hours and 45 minutes to complete the Self-Assessment.
- The Self-Assessment is complete when you respond to the final question and click Submit or when your total test time expires.
Taking a self-paced assessment
- When taking an assessment using self-paced timing, you may go back to previous questions to change your answer.
- You can take the exam at your own pace and across multiple sittings. You may exit the assessment at any time by closing the window. When you return to the assessment, the exam will load the item after the last one that you answered.
- The assessment is complete when you respond to the final question and click Submit.
All questions and associated images and graphics on the self-assessments are owned by CGFNS International, Inc. Any unauthorized reproduction of these materials, by any means, including but not limited to storage in a retrieval system, transmission, printing, memorization, or distribution, is strictly prohibited.
Terms and conditions
The material presented in the Self-Assessment is provided by CGFNS International, Inc. for educational purposes only. Under no circumstances will CGFNS be liable for any damages or costs that may result in any way from your reliance or use of the information derived from your participation in the Self-Assessment.