Lynwood (Lynn) Brooks, MBA

Board of Trustees Secretary
President Emeritus of the Health Professions Network

Lynwood (Lynn) Brooks is President Emeritus of the Health Professions Network. This collaborative network is comprised of national leaders from allied health professional associations, all levels of education institutions, accrediting agencies and health care professionals with representation from each of the 50 states. The purpose of this coalition is to formulate strategies to advance the health care education agenda to include commonly identified and overlapping issues dealing with work force recruitment, development, retraining and retention. Lynn has been a member of HPN since its inception, and recently received their Distinguished Service Award for his work on the Health Professions Awareness national campaign program. HPN recently completed documents related to consolidation of core competencies related to health care workforce development and a State of the Industry Analysis of allied health professions.

Lynn has been in health care human resource management for over 38 years, and in human resource management and organizational development for over 40 years. This includes senior HR executive positions in hospitals in Oklahoma and Montana, and as a senior or associate consultant with several healthcare consulting firms. He has served as President of the Oklahoma Healthcare Human Resource Association on three occasions and has served on numerous committees and work groups for ASHHRA, the American Society for Healthcare Human Resource Administrators. ASHHRA is the HR membership group for the American Hospital Association.

Lynn has served on several other national committees and boards dealing with human resource development including an ASHHRA special project addressing the critical issues surrounding the clinical education and retraining of the healthcare workforce of today and for the future. He was part of the initial ASHHRA task force that convened meetings of providers, educators, and professional associations to address these workforce development issues. Additionally, Lynn has served on the Board of Directors of the National Consortium of Health Sciences and Technology Education, including a term as President. He has also assisted with NCHSTE project development, grant requests, and strategic planning.

Lynn has been active with HOSA-Future Health Care Professionals for over 37 years, primarily in Oklahoma and Montana as well as a frequent presenter at HOSA Annual Conferences. He led the initial startup of the HOSA program in Montana, and served as the Board Chair for over ten years before retiring to emeritus status. He also received the Lifetime Distinguished Service Award from the national organization in 2015.

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