CGFNS Salutes the first State of the World’s Nursing Report

CGFNS International, Inc. celebrates the official launch of the momentous State of the World’s Nursing 2020: Investing in Education, Jobs and Leadership Report, released by the World Health Organization (WHO) on World Health Day and in the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife.

CGFNS International, Inc. is the world’s largest credential evaluation and skills qualification organization for nurses and other health professionals with experience dating to its inception in 1977 as the Commission for Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools. Since that time, more than 2 million foreign-educated nurses have passed through the gateway provided by CGFNS to practice in the United States, and now, in alliance with the Nursing Council of New Zealand, in the Pacific Rim.

Because of its longstanding presence in the field and its commitment to inform the current condition of nursing, CGFNS was asked by the U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) to contribute workforce data on the role of foreign-educated nurses in the healthcare system to the World Health Organization’s State of the World’s Nursing report.

The report, released on World Health Day, underscores the importance of nursing in patient care at the bedside but also the psychosocial support of the recovering patient, changes in the environment necessary to maintain health, and aid needed by the patient’s family. The world is currently experiencing a shortage of nurses, heightened now by the worldwide response to the spread of the novel coronavirus, covid-19.

“We believe in the empowerment of nurses to forge their own destiny–wherever it might be in the world,” said Franklin A. Shaffer, President & CEO.

CGFNS in Consultative Status with the UN

CGFNS International, Inc., as the world’s largest credential evaluation organization, plays a critical role in the field of nurse migration. At a time when an estimated 1 in 10 U.S. nurses and 1 in 8 nurses of the world are migrants, CGFNS’ work takes on renewed importance.

To that end, CGFNS is an NGO in consultative status with the United Nations and a member of CoNGO, the important commission heading a global community of informed and committed NGOs helping the UN to create a better world.

CGFNS is proud to be a co-sponsor of the Civil Society Briefing, held virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic, on World Health Day, April 7. Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees, Dean of the University of Minnesota School of Nursing Connie Delaney, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, FNAP, briefed the conference.

Nursing Now

Nursing Now is a global campaign to raise the profile of nursing to improve health worldwide with a goal of achieving universal health cover and to expand primary care, delivered often by nurses.

Nursing Now leaders continue to work with global organizations such as the International Council of Nurses to achieve global health targets for many countries of the world.

CGFNS President & CEO Franklin Shaffer is an active member of the NursingNow Steering Committee as Nursing Now works to achieve health as a human right.

Since 1977, CGFNS has been at the forefront of providing opportunity to nurses who wish to migrate to energize the countries they are migrating to and quite often, the countries they return to, transforming themselves and their families in the process.

We at CGFNS salute nurses who create change in healthcare policy, in migration, in society, in their own lives—and most of all, in the health and well-being of those they care for.

CGFNS International to Change its Name to TruMerit™  Read More