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News Release
Dr. Franklin A. Shaffer awarded Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 21, 2015 For further information, please contact It is with pride and joy that CGFNS International, Inc. shares the celebratory news that on December 7, 2015, its Chief Executive Officer, Franklin A. Shaffer, EdD, RN, FAAN, was awarded the prestigious title of Ad Eundem Fellow…
Read More CGFNS Granted NGO Consultative Status to the United Nations
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 1, 2015 For further information, please contact On August 14, 2015, CGFNS International, Inc. (CGFNS) was notified that it has been approved by the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with consultative status to the United Nations. This status…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 25, 2014 CGFNS UNIVERSITY LAUNCHES eCOACH LEARNING SERVICES PHYSICAL THERAPY REMEDIATION PROGRAM CGFNS University today announced the launch of a new service to assist internationally educated physical therapists and physical therapist assistants in developing education remediation plans to meet requirements of evaluation tools for licensure and…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 18, 2014 ACCELERATE YOUR CAREER IN NURSING RECEIVES FIVE-STAR REVIEW FROM DOODY’S BOOK REVIEW SERVICE Accelerate Your Career in Nursing, co-edited by Janice Phillips, PhD, RN, FAAN, Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs, CGFNS International, Inc., received a perfect score of 100, or 5 Stars from…
Read More CGFNS International Co-Authors “Perceptions of Employment-Based Discrimination among Newly Arrived Foreign-Educated Nurses” in American Journal of Nursing
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 19, 2013 The findings of a study conducted to determine whether foreign-educated nurses (FENs) perceived they were treated equitably in the U.S. workplace during the last period of high international recruitments (2003-2007) will be published in the January 2014 issue of American Journal of Nursing, Vol.…
Read More CGFNS International Board of Trustees Elects Officers and Members
UPDATED: December 12, 2013 CGFNS International is the world’s largest credentials evaluation organization for nursing and globally recognized authority on credentials evaluation of the education, registration and licensure of nurses and health care professionals worldwide. Officers and new board members were recently elected to its Board of Trustees. CGFNS International’s…
Read More Funding Streamlines International Nursing Recruitment
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 14, 2013 Edmonton, Alberta – Edmonton, Alberta – Internationally educated nurses (IENs) will soon have a single entry point when they apply for licensure to practice in Canada. The Honorable Jason Kenney, Minister of Employment and Social Development and Minister of Multiculturalism, announced funding through the…
Read More CGFNS International to Offer Extended Electronic Document Storage Service
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CGFNS International, Inc. announces the launch of eSAVED, a new service that provides extended electronic storage for important authenticated and verified documents, such as transcripts and licenses that foreign-educated professionals and students may need for future use. eSAVED stands for “extended Storage for Authenticated and Verified Electronic…
Read More CGFNS International Board of Trustees Officers Elected
CGFNS International, the largest credentialing organization for foreign-educated health care professionals in North America, is pleased to announce its 2013 Board of Trustees officers. PRESIDENT: Carol Bradley, MSN, RN, Senior Vice President, CNO, Legacy Health System, Portland, Oregon VICE PRESIDENT: Norma Lang, PhD, RN, FAAN, FRCN, University of Wisconsin School…
Read More Recent Posts
- TruMerit™ (CGFNS) and the DAISY Foundation™ Honor Outstanding International Nurse Recruiters
- CGFNS International to Change its Name to TruMerit™
- CGFNS International reports nurse migration rates to the U.S. remained high in 2024
- New Podcast Examines Global Health Workforce Development and Health Worker Mobility
- CGFNS International Joins WHO Stakeholder Network to Advance Rehabilitation Care